Using SPIN Sales Techniques to Improve Sales

Using SPIN Sales Techniques to Improve Sales

The SPIN sales technique is a system of asking certain categories of questions to improve your sales funnel results. As with any conversation, the quality of the question is the key to success. Wrong questions turn off clients and lose sales. In the SPIN technique, it’s the buyers who do most of the talking. Your job is to build rapport and take notes, so you’ll understand what they really need.

SPIN is an acronym that stands for Situation, Problem, Implication and Need-Payoff questions. It’s a method of categorically asking questions to help ensure more sales.

Situation Questions help you to more clearly understand what your prospects need. Everything that follows is based on this foundation. The more you know about them beforehand, the more precise your questions can be and the more likely you’ll earn the sale. An example of a Situation question might be:

How do you track overall and individual volumes for your sales teams?

Problem Questions help your prospects see that they have a problem or need that you can meet. Think of it as questions that underscore the seriousness of their need, which help motivate them to change. This translates to a sale on your end. An example of a Problem question is:

What’s the biggest problem you’ve faced with implementing new sales programs?

Implementation Questions help clarify issues, thereby helping resolve, in your clients’ minds, that the problem really does need to be fixed. The most powerful sales questions fall in this category. This is where you discuss the effects of their problem before you offer solutions. An example is:

If your CSR training is absent, what does that mean for new reps you hire?

Need-Payoff Questions come after you’ve helped your clients see that their current situation will deteriorate if not addressed. You cannot jump ahead to this category, or you’ll be perceived as being too aggressive, and will lose sales. It’s a way to get the buyer to tell you exactly what they need, what the benefits of your product or service are, which is more positive and doesn’t feel pushy to them. An example of a Need-Payoff question might be:

If you could have a consistent training program that could be utilized as part of an OJT system, how would it help you achieve your target sales goals?

The key to the SPIN sales technique is understanding the kind of questions, and their timing, to help your clients visualize the difference your product or service can give them. Evoking positive emotions is key. Good planning equals good selling. SPIN selling works backwards from traditional sales techniques. Instead of calling to discuss your latest product, first find out what your client needs, and go from there to a solution. Asheville’s leading web marketing company.

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