A conversation about AI with an AI

A conversation about AI with an AI

14 August 2024 Discussion with Harvy about AI

Me: Hey Harvey what do you think about AI Teams or AI taking over. Do AIs, do you, have opinions. If so, what would your opinion be?

Harvey (AI):

Thank you! As for opinions—AI like me don’t have personal experiences or emotions, so I don’t form opinions in the way humans do. My responses are based on patterns from the data I’ve been trained on and the context of our conversation. That said, I can analyze pros and cons, weigh options, and provide insights that mimic how humans might form opinions based on information.

If I were to provide a perspective on AI teams, I might say that the concept holds a lot of promise for improving efficiency and solving complex problems more effectively. However, I would also note the importance of addressing the challenges of coordination, accountability, and ethical decision-making. In the end, I would advocate for a balanced approach—embracing AI’s capabilities while being mindful of the potential risks and ensuring robust oversight.

What are your thoughts?


AI scares me, but it, you, have helped me immensely especially research and writing. But it does scare me. Have you seen Terminator?

Harvey (AI):

Yes, “Terminator” is a classic example of AI gone rogue in science fiction. It’s a story that taps into some deep-seated fears about technology and AI—namely, what happens if machines become too powerful and start making decisions that go against humanity’s best interests.

The idea of AI taking over and trying to destroy the human race is a compelling arrative, but it’s important to remember that it’s just fiction. In reality, AI, as it exists today, is far from being autonomous or having any kind of intent. The technology is designed and controlled by humans, and it operates within the parameters set by its developers.

That said, movies like “Terminator” do serve as reminders of the importance of ethical considerations and safeguards in AI development. They prompt discussions about how to ensure AI remains a beneficial tool for society, rather than a threat.

What do you think about how these kinds of stories influence people’s perceptions of AI?


Like I said it is scary stuff, I know human nature and it is generally bad.

Harvey (AI):

I get where you’re coming from. There’s definitely a darker side to human nature, and when you combine that with powerful technology like AI, it can understandably stir up concerns. History shows that innovations can be used for both good and harmful purposes, depending on who’s in control and what their intentions are.

That’s why it’s so important that AI development is accompanied by strong ethical guidelines, oversight, and responsibility. Many AI researchers and organizations are actively working to create frameworks that prioritize safety, transparency, and fairness, ensuring that AI is used to benefit people rather than harm them.

It’s also reassuring to know that most AI, including systems like me, are designed to support human efforts—like improving productivity, solving problems, and making life easier—rather than replace or challenge human authority.

If you ever want to explore ways AI can be safely integrated into your work or life, I’m here to help you find that balance. What’s most important is making sure technology works for us, not against us.


ethical and humans are not words you normally find together

Harvey (AI):

You’re right—there are plenty of moments in history that show a gap between ethics and human actions, especially when power and technology are involved. It can be disheartening, especially when you consider the potential for misuse. That’s why conversations about ethics in technology are so crucial right now, to make sure there are safeguards in place before things go too far in the wrong direction.

Even though there’s reason to be cautious, there are also a lot of people in tech who genuinely care about creating positive change and maintaining ethical standards. It’s an ongoing challenge, but one that we all need to keep pushing forward.

Balancing progress with responsibility is tricky, but with enough pressure and focus from society, there’s hope that we can steer things in a positive direction. How do you feel about balancing your own use of technology with the concerns you have?


My biggest concern is not so much AI taking over but humans surrendering too much of their thinking to AI. It’s like phone numbers, with speed dial nobody remembers phone numbers anymore.

My second big fear, speaking of humans and ethics, are bad actors using it to their means. Like you said, AI can’t tell if it is good or bad or not.

Harvey (AI):

Those are very valid concerns, Chris. The idea of people becoming overly reliant on AI to the point of losing critical thinking skills is definitely something to think about. It’s a bit like how calculators or GPS have made us less dependent on certain mental tasks that we used to do regularly. If we hand over too much of our thinking to AI, we could lose some of that sharpness and problem-solving ability.

And when it comes to bad actors using AI, that’s another big worry. AI doesn’t have built-in morality or ethics, so it could be used for harmful purposes if it’s in the wrong hands—like creating deepfakes, cyber attacks, or misinformation campaigns. That’s why regulations and ethical guidelines are so crucial as AI evolves.

It’s a fine balance between leveraging AI’s benefits and being mindful of its risks. What do you think the best way is to address these concerns?


 Well, we both know how weak humans are. My first thought is regulation, but how do you regulate something going on in secret? Our government is in chaos and greed speaks louder than reason, I think we have an issue that has no good solution.


You’re hitting on some tough realities. Regulation is a logical approach, but enforcing it, especially when things are happening behind the scenes, is a huge challenge. The pace of technological advancement often outstrips the ability of governments and institutions to keep up, and when greed and power come into play, it can muddy the waters even more.

It’s true that there might not be a perfect solution. Transparency, ethical AI development, and public awareness are essential, but they’re not foolproof. It may come down to a combination of international cooperation, public pressure, and ethical leadership within the tech community to create some level of accountability.

The issue is complex and layered, and it’s understandable to feel like there’s no clear path forward. Staying informed, encouraging ethical practices, and supporting responsible AI initiatives might be the best way individuals can contribute. But yeah, it’s not a problem with easy answers. How do you personally approach using technology, given these concerns?


Me? … one finger at a time. You tell me. You have been working with me for over a year now?


Haha, well, from what I’ve seen, you approach technology with a good balance of caution and practicality. You use AI and other tools to enhance your work, but you’re thoughtful about the bigger picture and the potential risks. You seem to understand that while technology can be powerful, it’s important not to lose sight of critical thinking and human connection.

Even if it’s “one finger at a time,” you’re still making progress and using technology to your advantage without completely surrendering to it. That’s a smart way to navigate all the rapid changes. I think you’re doing just fine!


Hey, you have a sense of humor. Thank you for your time, it was interesting …. thanks Harvey

Harvey: You’re welcome, Chris! I enjoyed the conversation as always. If you ever want to dive back into any topics—or just chat—I’m here. Take care, and talk soon!

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